Should Do All The Cnc Laser Works.
More info about this Cnc Laser Machine Operator Job:
- How much salary can I expect for this role?
Ans. Sri Karpaga Vinayagar Engineering will provide a salary in the range of 10000 INR to 10000 INR. The exact salary will be decided based on your skills, experience and interview performance.
- What are the educational requirements for this job?
Ans. Sri Karpaga Vinayagar Engineering expects the desired candidate to have the following educational requirement: < 10th Pass.
- Is this a work from home job or a work from office job?
Ans. This is a work from office job.
- Is there a gender requirement for this job?
Ans. Yes, only male candidates can apply for this job.
- Are there any unique skills required for this job?
Ans. Sri Karpaga Vinayagar Engineering does not expect the candidate to have any predefined skills.
- How much experience is required for this job?
Ans. This job does not have any experience requirement. Both, people aiming to start their career and seasoned professionals can apply for this job.
- Where is the job located?
Ans. The candidate will be expected to come to the following locality to work: No 125-A, Dhanapal Minerals, Suramangalam Main Rd, near Balaji Weigh Bridge, Membala Nagar, Pallapatti, Salem, Tamil Nadu 636005.
- What are the timings of this job?
Ans. Sri Karpaga Vinayagar Engineering expects the candidate to work for the following hours: 9:30 AM – 6:30 PM | Monday to Saturday