
Best work from home jobs

Even before the global pandemic caused due to COVID 19 could take over, the business environment was shifting to giving employees the option to work from home. Working from home...
Posted in Jobs
August 16, 2022
work from home

Even before the global pandemic caused due to COVID 19 could take over, the business environment was shifting to giving employees the option to work from home. Working from home benefits both, the employer and the employee. Studies show that the time spent in telecommunicating save the workers and companies a lot of time, money, stress and increased the productivity of the workers. It also helps the general environment by reducing the number of commuters. There are various job options that one can

Consider to work from home such as:
Web developer

  • This job profile relates to professionals that create and design websites that are used for personal or commercial needs. Web developers can put their creative skills to use in the process of publishing, advertising and management consultation for computer system designs and other such related fields. 
  • The field of web developing is expected to have a stable growth in the near future and is a promising career path keeping in mind the constant technology changes.

Virtual assistant

  • This job profile refers to professionals that provide administrative, technical and creative solutions for a wide range of industrial applications such as health care, legal aspects, government regulations and financial maintenance. 
  • A candidate can work as a virtual assistant for a company that provides these services to their clients or start as a freelancer with one’s own set up.

Family and couples counseling

  • This job profile refers to a full time work in an organization or private practice. Using technological developments such as Zoom and Google Meet equips the therapist and patients to connect virtually without leaving the house.
  •  The demand for such counseling has seen a steady rise in the past few years and is expected to grow even more.


  • This refers to a job profile for people who have a native level proficiency in English and at least one other language. Work from home job options can be found with schools, hospitals, corporations, courts and various other industries in the private and public sector.
  •  Translators will work with written or audio documents and interpreters work with spoken or sign languages.

Computer support specialist

  • This job profile refers to professionals that work with various call centers, corporations, nonprofit organizations and industries that hire computer support specialists to generally work remotely in solving any problems that may arise with the use of computers.


  • This job profile refers to legal assistants that perform a variety of tasks in order to support lawyers including research based on legal aspects and preparing legal documents. 
  • Apart from the majority of paralegal work found in law firms, this job can also be found in certain government departments and corporate legal departments.

Loan officer

  • This job profile refers to professionals that evaluate and authorize loan applications. 
  • Generally loan officer’s work for commercial banks or credit unions, but with an increase in demand for the loan officers as the economy grows calls for more professionals in mortgage companies as well as other financial institutions.

Social media specialist

  • This job profile is highly increasing and is becoming very important for businesses to have an increasing presence in the virtual world.
  •  If a person has an understanding of using social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook etc. they can work from home by helping businesses promote their products and brand through these multiple social media platforms. 
  • The marketing performed on these platforms is becoming a separate field of study by itself and demand for social media specialists is at a rise.

Writer and editor

  • This job profile refers to professionals that are good at writing, editing, proofreading as well as fact checking. If the person has a computer and internet access they can become a content writer and editor with little to no experience as well.
  •  Bloggers, journalists and technical writers are expected to plan and present content in order to meet deadlines and create content that can help a business overtake the competition. 
  • This job is amongst the most compatible work from home job and its demand is ever increasing.

Data entry specialist

  • This job profile refers to a person that inputs information from a handwritten record into a computer system. The records may vary based on each industry such as bills, reports, checks and other data. 
  • They are also known as clerks or data operators and they primarily help a company in shifting its work flow from a physical manner to an automated function.

Medical transcriptionist

  • This job profile refers to a professional that listens to voice recording audios from doctors and health care workers and convert them into a written report.
  •  A transcriptionist generally works for a hospital, doctor’s office or a third party service. An increase in the demand for health care service directly leads for an increase in demand for medical transcriptionists.

Customer service representative

  • This job profile refers to a person that acts as an independent contractor in order to handle complaints, process orders or answer customer questions in a big industry. 
  • They are generally at the other end of a customer line and act as a company representative. 
  • This job can be done from home with an active internet connection, work phone liked to the company line and sufficient company information on process, policies and operations.

Bookkeeping and accounting

  • This job profile refers to professionals that produce financial records and ensure their accuracy for a company. They can be performed from home with occasional client visits and a proper accounting system. 
  • Book keeping and accounting jobs will also require an active internet connection and computer skills for being viable remotely.

Registered nurse

  • This job profile refers to health care services that are delivered to the homes of patients. They are completed remotely through connections with mobile phones, computers and telephones. 
  • This has increased the demand for registered nurses who can give advice and assist patients remotely as well.
  •  Most insurance companies have added a remote line of medical care, patient support line as well as telephone triage that has created the demand for this profession.

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