
Jobs after 12th grade

Working in an industry will help students get actual work experience and understand the working of commercial and cooperate places. It helps them put their theoretical knowledge into practical application....
Posted in Jobs
August 16, 2022
Best Career Options after 12th

  • Working in an industry will help students get actual work experience and understand the working of commercial and cooperate places. It helps them put their theoretical knowledge into practical application.
  • This will equip them to take on the real world challenges and enrich their skills. This is the best option for students who are eager to learn in their field and progress their education with sufficient work experience.
  • It allows students to learn new things. Being a student and entering into the professional world might seem difficult, but for a student who can lean new activities and adapt to the professional work culture there is nothing that can stop them. 
  • Choosing to work before moving forward with formal education has various advantages such as the easy understanding of work techniques and understanding of concepts and fundamentals from the basics. It also helps students understand their work role and get to know their company before being enrolled. 
  • This will help develop their overall communication skills with team members and learn lot of new things that can help students stand on their own feet from a young age.
  • Students can take up part time or full time jobs based on their preference and level of knowledge for fundamentals and disciplines.

 Following is a list of interesting jobs that students can take up

  • Business Process Outsourcing: BPO’s are one of the most prominent job areas as outsourcing is a significant contributor to the Indian economy for the employment sector. In the past decade India has seen a consistent rise in the number of emerging BPO’s that lead to a new pool of jobs for fresher’s. 
  • They also benefit in polishing the professional and communication skills. Candidates generally get paid in the training period as well and have a decent pay for students.
  •  However, students must possess some basic skills such as good proficiency in English. It is important for them to understand the English language and have the ability to structure sentences with meaning and fluency. Grammar norms and compositions must also be followed for a positive response. 
  • A basic understanding of computers and the internet usage is vital for working in a BPO. In a BPO, customer demands are assessed, call criteria for services are met and customer satisfaction is monitored. All of this requires knowledge in the process involved for delivering a good customer service.

Armed Force

  • The National Defense Exam can be taken up for a government job in the public sector. Students from any stream can enroll for joining the esteemed armed forces of the country.
  •  If a student is passionate about serving the country and wishes to wear the respected uniform of the country, armed forces is a good option to explore be it the army, navy or air force. This job provides various advantages and perks.
  •  However, it is to be kept in mind for all applicants trying for the Indian Air Force it is mandatory to have studied physics and mathematics in their education


  • Stenographers are government based jobs that equips students to write hundreds of words within a minute. This job can be taken up after 12th grade with minimum qualifications. A stenographer exam is the first step for a career in his line. It also provides an extraordinary growth in career for talented persons.

Content Writing

  • This is the most suitable job for students with flair of writing and those who are interested in creating interesting content. This is amongst the most sought out jobs after 2th grade. 
  • Content writers are professionally hired by companies that require different types of content for their websites, products or social media handles. 
  • The salary for this job can either be fixed or based on output levels such as word count. Short term content writing courses can be applied for that will help in fine tuning the writing skills and give an insight for the specific skill.
  •  However there are a few basic skills that are a pre requisite for content writing such as the ability to read fluently. In order to create content one must be able to understand the requirement of the customer or employer. 
  • The understanding should be converted into thoughts that should be converted in words.
  •  This would require a good writing skill with an understanding of keywords and basic SEO skills.

Primary school teachers

  • If a student likes working with children and is interested to establish their career in education then the job of a primary school teacher is very apt in the academic area.
  •  Based on the school, there may requirements for a diploma in elementary education or other specific needs.
  • Tuition teaching can also be an excellent freelance idea where students can teach other students subjects they are confident in and have god knowledge about.

Merchant Navy

  • This is commonly referred to as commercial navy refers to the transport of products from one country to another with the help of ships. 
  • This job requires a high level of stamina and mental tolerance as one will be away from friends and family, surrounded by water for months. Private organizations hire a wide range of support staff for their ships such as sailors, chefs etc. and students can apply for this after high school. 
  • This is the most suitable career path for students that seek adventure and travel. The growth possibility is also high with a good starting salary.

Data Entry

  • This refers to the requirement of the company for dependable employees to work on critical data sets that require its potential candidates to have a clear ability to identify and notice small data at a near range. 
  • They should also have the ability to create data sheets and assemble all the given data in an organized manner. This is a viable option to consider after 12th and is an ideal job for recent graduates. 
  • This can be a good option for a part time job but the growth opportunities often stagnate after a certain time.

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